Friday, June 22, 2012

Rise 'n Shine

Sometimes we must suffer a devastating blow to realize how brilliant and fragile life really is. A few months ago, I saw cancer as a giant wrench tossed into my turning wheels, but today I see this diagnosis as the greatest opportunity of my life. Everyday I wake up early, journal my dreams from the night and my intentions for the day, drink my fresh pressed vegetable juice, take my herbs, do yoga and meditate. Then I go about my day doing things that feed my soul and nourish my body. Never before have I been so diligent in taking care of myself first, before anything or anyone else. In doing this, I realize that I can’t fully care for anyone else if I haven’t yet cared for myself. This is a lesson I have been handed many times in my life, but have not fully learned until now. As my dad always says, “You must put on your own oxygen mask before helping others with theirs.” Turns out he—and every flight attendant I’ve ever heard—are right.

What’s amazing is that right now I feel the best I have ever felt in my life. I am so connected with my body and my spirit. I am beginning to be able to stand back and look at myself and my emotions in a more objective light, without judgments or criticism. I have come to accept who I am right in this moment, which has unlocked a deep love for myself that I have never felt before. In addition, I have none of the bizarre physical symptoms that I once had. In fact, I have little to no symptoms at all. And I am not taking any medications. I think that says a lot coming from a cancer patient. It’s incredible what a change in diet and lifestyle can do for our health. I am so proud of my decision to listen to my heart and do what I know is right in taking care of myself. It is working. Never underestimate the power of your intuition. If you ever question which road to take, know that you are the only one who has the answer, and you will hear it if you just stop and listen.

The other day I was sitting in my garden drinking sunshine with my heart open and my eyes closed. I suddenly opened my eyes and there, hovering inches from my face was a huge, beautiful dragonfly. There was something so magical about this creature, as if it were a divine gift sent strait to me on iridescent wings. A dragonfly, as a totem, represents transformation and an awakening to one’s own inner light, which is exactly what I am doing. I know I still have a long way to go, but I have finally begun to see my own light breaching the horizon, bringing nothing short of a magnificent day. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

In the late 1920s, a German man by the name of Max Gerson presented a cure for cancer. The treatment consisted of a strict regime of fruit and vegetable juices, complimented with various supplements to support the body in detoxification. He proposed that by eliminating the toxins in the body and restoring it to an alkalized state that it would create an environment in which cancer cells could not survive. Case after case, he demonstrated an alternative to Western medicine’s approach, which yielded quicker and longer-term results. When he brought his idea to the United States, however, his therapy was quickly rejected by the National Cancer Institute, and to this day it is illegal for a doctor to prescribe his therapy to cancer patients at the risk of losing their medical license and/or paying a hefty fine. Why, then, after so many people had been cured by the Gerson therapy, was it made illegal in the US? If you follow the money trail, you will find the answer. There is no money in a healthy diet. Chemotherapy costs thousands of dollars a month per person, but fruit and vegetables are of no gain to the pharmaceutical companies. Who would profit if we all ate healthy and had no health problems from the poisonous food in the Standard American Diet (SAD)? There is an Ayurvedic proverb that states, “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

McDonalds anyone?

Last week I met with an oncologist to track my progress and get a few questions answered. When I walked into the waiting room, it felt like I was walking into a morgue. The energy hung heavy beneath the buzzing of fluorescent lights and every person had the same glazed over, forlorn expression. The air was thick with the weight of fear. In the corner of the room there was tea, coffee, hot chocolate and treats. I was baffled. Why would there be caffeine and sugar in a waiting room for cancer patients? Don’t they know that these are the very substances that cancer feeds on? But then I realized that this is exactly the point. By keeping people sick, the medical industry keeps money in their pocket. Which explains why almost 1 out of every 2 people gets cancer today, which in the 1940s was only 1 in every 14. The United States spends more money on health care than any other country, yet we have some of the highest rates of cancer, heart disease and obesity in the world. Something is not right about this.

Don’t get me wrong; there are certain things that the medical world should be praised for. If I got hit by a bus I would get myself to a hospital. What I am suggesting is that when it comes to curing serious internal illnesses, I don’t think they have it figured out yet. If they did, then the ‘war on cancer’ that began over 70 years ago (with the introduction of chemotherapy drugs), should actually be curing cancer, right? If you look closely at the numbers, it’s not. The statistics that they boast for people ‘cured’ from cancer are based on a 5-year condition. This means that if a person is still alive 5 years after receiving treatment, they are considered cured. If the cancer comes back in the sixth year, they are still considered cured in the books, even if they die. Sneaky, sneaky...

When I started on this journey of natural healing, I didn’t do it in protest of the chokehold that the health care industry has, but as I become more and more educated on the corruption that exists around the healthcare in this country, I become stronger in my decision to not support a system that keeps people sick. I want to get better, so I am doing everything in my power to do that, which to me means putting my trust in the one person who knows my body the best: Me. I will not fall for the fear tactics that have brainwashed so many people to find solace in those sterile waiting rooms. There are other ways to heal, and I have found them. I am detoxifying my body naturally and seeing incredible results. Our bodies can renew and rebuild themselves so quickly if we just give them the opportunity and support. Hippocrates said, “The force within each of us is the greatest healer of disease.” We all have an incredible capacity to heal ourselves. We just need to believe that we can.

Harter Pierce, T. Outsmart your cancer: Alternative non-toxic treatments that work. 2. Thoughtworks Publishing, 2009.

Anderson, Mike, prod. Healing Cancer From the Inside Out. Dir. PB. PBS, 2008. Film.

Kroschel, Steve, dir. The Gerson Miracle. 2004. Film.