Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy (Re)birthday

On September 16th, 1987, I came into this world after a painfully drawn out and reluctantly induced labor. I did not want to come out. When I finally did make my first appearance, my lungs were not able to function properly, holding me hostage to medical machinery for the first week of my life. Though my survival may have been questioned at first, there was no doubt that I was a fighter, strong enough to pull through as a healthy and determined being, ready to take on the world.

With the arrival of my 25th birthday I find myself filled with gratitude for the strength and fortune that I was blessed with in this life. In my short time on this planet, I have confronted some of the greatest challenges that many humans will face in their lifetime. With courage I have welcomed the changes that have altered just about every area of my existence. And I have lived to tell the tale.

Today I have much to celebrate. I rejoice my life in each moment and I give thanks to the strength and protection that has helped me fight for my health and happiness. I never for one second doubted that I would beat this cancer and live to see this beautiful day. I have stood my ground against armies of people who do not believe in what I am doing because they do not understand. I have not allowed my fears to ride shotgun on this road trip; I have listened to my heart and spoken my truth, and I have found more healing in doing this than any pharmaceutical could offer. I know I am doing this right.

This year my birthday falls on the new moon. This day is symbolic of renewal and rebirth. A time to stick to our truths and allow all else that does not serve us to be released. How appropriate that I celebrate the passing of year of learning to let go and speak my truth and I emerge into my next chapter of this life transformation. I celebrate this time of rebirth and welcome it with open arms.