Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mother Knows Best

Last week I was given the opportunity to go surfing off the Oregon coast. It was an incredible feeling being held and carried by the strength of the ocean’s swells as she breathed in and out over the coastline. I was pushed and pulled by her ebbs and flows as if there was no separation between my body and the water that embraced me. As I was gently rocking in this cradle of the sea, I was reminded of a quote from the Tao Te Ching: “Nothing is softer and more flexible than water, yet nothing is superior in dissolving the hard and rigid. The weak overcomes the strong, the soft overcomes the hard.” There is so much power in the gentle element of water; it helps create, support and destroy life with no effort. Water is just one of the many miraculous gifts given to us by our generously yielding planet. The earth’s most natural resources provide everything humans need to survive and be well. We must try to remember this as we grow more and more detached from it.

I believe that all of the solutions to humanity’s ailments lie in the very foundation that we walk on, the air that we breath, the waters that cleanse and hydrate us, the plants that nourish us, and the sun that sheds its vital energy. The earth’s resources have supported our species since our very humble beginnings, but we are now so detached from our Mother with our industrialized, technology ridden, fast paced lives that we have broken our symbiotic relationship with the one source that can help us the most. Instead, we stain her with our pollutants and in turn, we become more and more sick. We are slowly destroying the very thing that has the ability to make us well.

I leave today to go on an adventure back to the earth. I am going to the depths of the Costa Rican jungle in order to re-connect with this source that I have become so disjointed from living in a society that does not honor it. The most potent and reliable medicine comes strait from our Mother earth, and if we can learn how to use this medicine again, the way our ancestors once did with great success, I believe we can and will become well. This is the medicine that I believe in.

I will try to keep y'all posted if I get to a computer at some point. Stay tuned!

Hasta Luego

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