Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Rebirth

When we are born into this world, we come out head first screaming and crying. For we know that to be incarnated into a human body is a difficult task and to live this life is no easy mission. But in our lives we are given the remarkable opportunity to be reborn over and over again; we just have to become aware of these opportunities and take them. Ratu talks a lot about our rebirth as human beings, and when we come into our bodies for the second time, we aren’t crying. We are laughing! For it is laughter that creates such a high vibration which is a medicine for us, dissipating all darkness and negativity within us and around us. When we laugh we clean ourselves of the dark energies that have trapped themselves in our bodies, and with this cleaning comes a feeling of freedom that I can only explain as a rebirth.  

So it is here that I have been reborn, tumbling out into this world head first and laughing with every cell in my being. I have never been so happy in my life. Two weeks ago I shaved my head. My long hair that I have hid behind for so long had become heavy with the weight of the last 5 years of sickness, and it was the last part of myself that I needed to let go of to complete my rebirth process. So I started over fresh, with nothing weighing me down, and gave my hair as an offering for my health. I think it is so important, especially as a cancer survivor, for me to break everything in my life down to nothing so that it can grow back again healthy and strong. This is exactly what chemotherapy does; I have just done it without the chemicals…

The most essential aspect of the rebirth for each of us as individuals and for our species as a whole is the breaking down of the ego. Our mind is what makes us sick in the first place, and in order to clean ourselves to come into this world new again, we must escape the thoughts that trap us in our dis-eases. I believe this shedding of the ego is the final frontier in our expedition to awakening fully to the light.

I have changed so tremendously since I moved here. I have learned to simply act out of love in each moment, instead of react to everything. I have an overwhelming feeling of peace and gratitude for each day that I live. And my body has never been so physically healthy. All of the symptoms of sickness that have plagued my body for so long have left and I feel free spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. And above all, I am happy. So incredibly happy. And that, my friends, is the most powerful medicine of all. As Ratu always says, there is no way to happiness; happiness is the way.