Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ya Se Fue

My time in Bali has been filled with so much love and light, but also with some intense work with the deep negative emotions that have dwelled within my being throughout this life. But this is how it works—we must allow and process these darker emotions in order to clear them and live freely. It has to come up to come out.
How different this is from Western medicine. In our conventional practices, we do things to “fix” the problem, instead of allowing it to surface fully and process through it. We take medications to make the pain and the sickness go away, when really these ailments are our body’s way of trying to release something. By suppressing the problem, we cannot clear it, and it will return worse or in another part of our body or mind.
Ratu (the Guru I have been working with) has taught me many valuable lessons, but the one teaching that has rung loud and clear through it all is that our soul is always well. For the soul is connected with the Infinite, the Universe, the Great Source, or as some would say, God. So to connect entirely with our soul is to tap into this infinite source of energy and light, putting us in perfect harmony with all that is and ever was. This is how we live freely of all dis-ease. So in this sense, we can trust that a part of us is always well, we only have to align with that. It is here that I am learning to do that, which has brought me to the greater understanding that I am already well; the cancer is already gone. Ya se fue.
As simple as this concept may be, the practice is difficult at times. We work hard to clear our bodies of dark energies. We shake every day, three times a day, for two hours each time. The shaking helps to move energy quickly, allowing us to feel the fear, anger, sadness and sickness and then move through it in a healthy way, rapidly liberating us from our ailments. The most difficult part of the practice is stepping out of our mind. Ratu says that the mind is the umbrella that shades us from the light that can heal us. When we can surrender, slipping out of our minds and into our bodies, then the real work can be done. This is much easier said than done. ..
I have decided to stay here for a while and see how deep I can really go. So much has happened in these three short weeks, I can’t imagine what can happen in three more months. In doing this work, I often think of the lotus flower. This magnificent blossom only opens itself in the most putrid and dark swamp environments. So out of these dark and contaminated places comes one of the most beautiful creations of nature. As I learn to open and radiate my petals, I am reminded that sometimes the most beautiful blossoms of light come out of the darkest and least expected places.  


  1. As I have witnessed Sara dive into this work and clear what comes up, I see the light behind her eyes and sacred fire of her soul grow more and more. It is such an honor to be a part of. To all who read this blog, let her story inspire you to believe in miracles. To believe in the miracle that we all are, and when we allow ourselves to be the best we can be, the world changes. Thank you beautiful sister for changing my world and believing in yourself. It has reminded me of the sweet fruits this life offers us constantly... It's time to fill our beings with the nectar.

  2. Thank you my beautiful sisters - just what I needed to hear again - WELL DONE!!!....lots of love @ light...Bibiana
